Finding balance in the second half of life


Art, learning, creativity, spirituality — finding purpose, meaning, and wholeness in the second half of life.


Noodling, woolgathering, daydreaming: It’s more important than we think. I Frazz, Therefore I Am?

Are we reading, or decorating? It’s about the Books.

When technology becomes too intrusive, brandish your poet. Prophylactic Poetry.

What makes it hard to be part of a church? What makes it worthwhile? Congregating in Faith.

With temptation at every turn, no one picks the city’s tulips. No Story Here.

Julie finds a new way to write, and a new way to obsess about writing, by adopting a fountain pen, or three.

Yielding up worry in the time of Lent. Act Lit.

Just because a heart is imperfect doesn’t mean it’s not whole. A Hole in the Heart.

Lois is humbled by a friend who can see a moment of redemption, even for Rod Blagojevich. Looking for Redemption

What is there about the New Year that leads us to yearn for order? Lois Organizes the New Year. Or, perhaps, not.

What can we really learn from the humanities? Debra checks out the School of Life.

What is the soundtrack that makes your days better? Cheer Me with Mozart

Losing your taste for fiction? David Shields explains it all. Still Hungry

Holiday cheer for under two bucks. Giving Retailers the Brush-Off.

Lois wonders whether it’s mechanics or alchemy that helps us shape the lives we want. The Mechanics of the Magical.

Family as material. Is Doug Block’s new documentary disturbing or moving — or both? Whose Life Is It Anyway?

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